Sand Mountain AKA Little Sahara - October 16th & 17th

We arrived at Little Sahara (Home of the infamous SAND MOUNTAIN) around 6PM and set up camp. Which, by now, we are obviously experts at. DSC_1198 DSC_1191 DSC_1192 DSC_1194 image3

We were happy to finally be among the Sand People and wondered what adventures Little Sahara had in store. image1 DSC_1206 DSC_1210

Considering we didn't have any Sand Vehicles or Friends With Sand Vehicles (*hint hint Bill hint hint*) it seemed likely the adventures would consist of drinking too much and getting really, really covered in sand. And pretty pictures! DSC_1199 DSC_1200 DSC_1202

(Behind the Scenes) image2

As night fell we ate chili and played with the extended shutter on my camera. Most of the pictures were a horrific disaster but a few turned out interesting. DSC_1214 DSC_1215

We had heard that the Sand People screeched up and down Sand Mountain all night but in actuality they were mostly quiet by midnight or so. DSC_1216

The next morning we awoke! Hungover and mildly dirty. We had a mountain to climb. DSC_1222

The view got pretty as soon as we left camp level. We read that Easter weekend in particular is extremely hopping and there can be upwards of 50,000 people here. Seems impossible and very dangerous. It's definitely the latter, serious accidents are a regular occurrence. When we drove in the sign said "2 Days Since The Last Serious Accident." Maybe I'm happy to be Mountain People instead of Sand People... DSC_1226 DSC_1230 DSC_1233 DSC_1245 DSC_1246

DuneMan. DSC_1234 DSC_1235 DSC_1241

(Behind the scenes.) image4 (1)

It was a very overcast day but as we got closer to the top the sun started poking through which added a nice shadow to everything. image4 (2) DSC_1249 DSC_1250 DSC_1253 DSC_1260

And we could finally see over to the other side! DSC_1255 DSC_1262 DSC_1263

A little bit further and we were at the top! We hung out and took a couple of pictures and enjoyed the view and freedom. DSC_1268 DSC_1269 DSC_1270 image2 (4) image1 (4) image1 (3)

The entire way up we were anticipating how fun the way down would be. image4 (3)

And it was! DSC_1274 DSC_1276e DSC_1277 DSC_1278 DSC_1282

Again breaking my own personal land speed record. DSC_1284

This photoshoot just goes on and on. DSC_1286 DSC_1287 DSC_1293 DSC_1298

Icing on the cake: we saw a Juggalo Dune Buggy. DSC_1292e

We had loved every second of Sand Mountain but unfortunately Mother Earth was fixin' to dump rain on us and we didn't want to wait around to get all of our gear covered in mud. With happy hearts we departed, sure to return in better weather. image1 (5) DSC_1300

BONUS ROUND - LOOK AT THESE BIG ASS BIRDS DSC_1310 DSC_1312e DSC_1313e DSC_1316 DSC_1318 DSC_1320 DSC_1326 DSC_1331 DSC_1309

Okay bye. DSC_1337e


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