Quartz Peak - January 3, 2016

In search of the magnificent Quartz...

Quartz Peak Trail is a 6 mile out and back trail with 2500ft elevation gain. It's located in the "mysterious" Estrella Mountains Southwest of Phoenix. The journey to the trailhead involved a 10 mile bone-rattling journey across a very rough dirt road. Not a well used area. DSC_1123 DSC_1125

It's only 14 miles as the crow flies from Parental Home, Tukee, to the trailhead but it took us about 90 minutes to get there. Thank goodess we had Boompa's V8 Jeep Cherokee at our disposal. image2 image3

There was a strange man cleaning his gun in the parking lot which freaked me the hell out. Luckily we were spared. Arizona. DSC_1129 DSC_1131 DSC_1132 DSC_1134 DSC_1135 DSC_1136 DSC_1137 DSC_1139 DSC_1140

At this point we were referring to the summit in the distance as "Bird Shit Peak". DSC_1142

The precious Quartz...shimmering in the distance... DSC_1146

The trail was pretty distinct up until the last half mile or so when it became more of an over-bolder scramble. It was fun but we were staying vigilant with regards to rattlesnakes and other poisonous critters. Our experience driving in showed us an emergency situation would only be addressable via helivac. DSC_1147 DSC_1148

Made it! DSC_1149 DSC_1150

Overwhelmed by all the Quartz. DSC_1151

Desert for dayysss. DSC_1156 DSC_1158 DSC_1162 DSC_1167

South Mountain looks tiny. DSC_1154 DSC_1159 DSC_1152

Picture taking / log booking (Yes, I wrote "The precious Quartz! It's all ours!"). DSC_1155 DSC_1161

We didn't have a ton of time as we were racing against the clock (hoping to get through the worst of the dirt road before nightfall) but still snapped some decent pics. DSC_1165 DSC_1169 DSC_1173 DSC_1174 DSC_1176 DSC_1177

The sun decided to come out for a few brief moments...illuminating our riches. DSC_1178 DSC_1179 DSC_1181

& then it was time to journey down. DSC_1182 DSC_1184 DSC_1185 DSC_1187

Off the mountain. DSC_1191 DSC_1192 DSC_1193 DSC_1197

We didn't really meet our goal of driving the worst of the dirt road with the sun out...but we made it out nonetheless. DSC_1200 DSC_1201


All hail the indestructible jeep! image1


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